Serving South Orange County



About Us

Our Dog Training Philosophy

we believe…

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Good training starts with a foundation of mutual trust and respect between handler and dog.

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Dog training, done well, is a peaceful, non-confrontational process.

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There are many different paths to achieving a goal. Our task is to discover the path that will best achieve the desired result for each unique canine and human client.

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Karma Logic

It simply isn’t fair to let a dog who can’t yet control her behavior have free reign in your home, only to be reprimanded when you find out she’s done something naughty.

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Our Story

Instant Karma Dog Training was born out of a lost childhood dream, a promise to the Universe, and a remarkable series of events that brought me back to what I believe is my “true calling.”

As I child, my happiest moments were spent playing with and training our family dogs. Then, when I was 10 years old my beloved poodle, Frenchie, died tragically after being disciplined by a well-meaning family member who was following the popular training advice of that time. I never knew exactly what happened, but it left an indelible scar in my heart that would alter the course of my life. For the longest time, I was afraid to ever have or love a dog again. 

In 2007, at the height of a successful corporate career, I found myself yearning for something that would give my life more meaning and joy. I believed that my purpose on this earth had something to do with animals, but there had always been reasons (excuses) why I couldn’t do the things my soul was most drawn to. On this particular day, though, I made a vow that if a door opened, I’d walk through it – no matter what.

Within a couple of weeks, I stumbled on a job listing for a paid internship with veteran dog trainer John Van Olden of San Francisco. It sounded way too good to be true, and I was about to move on – when I remembered my promise. So I applied. After a long, intensive interview process, I was selected from over 750 applicants. The next thing I knew, I was cutting my teeth on an 80-lb pit bull at a busy Los Angeles shelter. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life, and I knew that I was exactly where I was always meant to be.

When the internship ended, I continued educating myself and honing my skills with local shelters and rescue groups, taking on their hardest-to-adopt dogs. Impressed with the dramatic improvements they saw in the dogs that spent time with me, they soon began referring adopters to me for private training.

Today, almost 100% of my customers are referred by other satisfied clients, vet clinics, and rescue groups. My ever-expanding knowledge and skills – combined with the fearsome devotion of the organizations and families who rescue – have helped hundreds of dogs overcome behavior problems that nearly cost them their lives. The memory of my precious childhood friend is given new meaning with each dog I help, and I’m no longer yearning… just extraordinarily grateful every day to have been given this gift and the opportunity to share it.

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Thanks for dropping in! We are currently at capacity for Summer training programs. If you'd like to join our Fall Wait List, please use the fill form at the bottom of any page on this website and write "WAIT LIST" in the section about your dog.

We'll reach out in mid-late September to discuss options and scheduling. If you have a more immediate need, we encourage you to check with our associate Shaina at